Mediation Support for Line Managers

As a line manager, when conflict arises you can often be the first point of escalation. Conflict can be a simple misunderstanding, often about responsibility, shifts and behaviours or a clash of personalities. Communication begins to breakdown which is when a minor conflict can quickly escalate. Workplace disputes not only damage the relationship of the two or more parties concerned, but they also cause wider disruption to your teams’ morale, performance and productivity. As the manager, you are involved and how you act reflects on both you, your team and the outcome.

A workplace dispute can be sensitive, stressful and challenging. However accomplished you are as a manager, successfully resolving disputes amongst your team requires an impartial, experienced approach. You may be under pressure to resolve the situation or assign ‘blame’ to the responsible party. Blame is often spread amongst both parties and intervention and prevention are required. The value of an unaffiliated mediator can often be felt immediately as they are not connected to the conflict - only its resolution.

the benefits of mediation support for line managers:

  • Impartial, expert advice - you cannot be accused of taking sides

  • Swiftly available (prompt intervention routinely leads to quicker conflict resolution)

  • Demonstrate the appropriate steps you take to resolve the conflict

  • Even if there is no significant change in attitudes, mediation can provide a degree of pragmatism that allows the parties to continue working together in some form

  • Specialist skills from accredited mediators

  • We can help to achieve satisfactory resolution - equally, for all parties, without duress

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Mediation works in over 80% of cases and it can work for you. Mediation offers an affordable and effective way to move forward and gives you the route and confidence to deal with situations that are challenging by nature.

Click here to meet your mediators.

ADR Group Accredited Online Mediator

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